Thursday, 27 September 2007

Caught in the Cooler

Severely caught that is. The third hand of my session yesterday went as follows:

Blinds are 0.5/1$, my stack is around $40, and the SB and BB have about the same

All fold round to me on the Button and im holding Qd 10s. I just call. SB raises to $3, BB calls and I call. Flop is Jd 9c 8c. So I've flopped the nut straight. SB raises 5$ and BB calls, i raise to $12. Both call me so the pot is now $45. Turn is Kc. They both check to me, and I raise $20. SB goes all in, BB calls and obviously I call the extra $5 ish. SB turns over Ac 10c for nut flush and BB turns over a set of 8's. River is blank so SB takes a $120 pot.

I keep recalling the hand over in my head, and Im still not sure how I could have avoided losing my stack to this. I maybe should have checked the turn but I thought that maybe the SB had QcQx, which means he would have been on a flush draw.

I played great from then on in though and was up about $70 for the session. Up about $120 so far in three sessions since I started playing again.

Monday, 17 September 2007

What next?

Going through a bit of a transition period at the moment, which has pretty much left me wondering about what I want to do in the future. Me and Lucy recently split up after just over two years together which really sucks, but I guess its for the best.

Anyway, this leaves me with some serious time on my hands that I'm not sure how to fill, but I think Poker might come into it! Really feeling like playing again and after discussions with Limburn on Saturday, there is a possibility we could be headed to Vegas next year for The World Series of Poker. Its a bit of a pipe dream in a way, but it is do-able. I would have to be careful with my cash and save a lot, which is the main issue for me. Its my dream to play in the WSOP, and is something I'd like to accomplish sooner rather than later.

I'd also like to do a bit of travelling at some stage, but that is largely dependant on what happens on the job front. Even if we get made redundant I cant see them giving us any more than the government minimum.

As for what job I want to do in the future....i have no idea, so I'm not even going to worry about that yet.