Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Pocket J's bite my ass

Yesterday twice I built my stack up to double the $25 buy-in, and twice I lost the double up, with pocket J's on flops with no overcards. Dont get me wrong, I love the fish, but they sometimes get lucky and it really pissed me off last night. The worst one was (6 handed):

I raise to $1 UTG, wank biscuit calls me on the button, all other fold

Flop: 2d,2c,3s i bet $1.75 WB calls

Turn: 6h i bet $4.....WB calls (at this point i think he prob either has A3, or maybe 8's or something)

River: Ks i bet $9....(I still think i'm good here)

WB flat calls and flips K10off. Wp. GG. Muppet

So after an hour im $0.84 up. Great

Current roll on PP $270ish

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