Monday 23 June 2008

Feeling like shite

Well the title pretty much explains what this post is about. I feel like I've let myself down with the way I've handled certain things over the last few months. I'm usually a pretty considerate person I think (erm when sober anyway!) but I have been really inconsiderate this year and hurt people in the process. Not cool. But I guess the Karma is that now I feel crap about it. I cant change the past but maybe at least now I will put myself in other peoples shoes a bit more, and think of the consequences of my actions.

Right with the heavy stuff out the way, Rimini is 10 days away and although I've considered not going, I think the break will do me good. So providing Bookpoint actually pay me I will be going. Gareth has managed to find a 3 bed room in a hotel for £25 a night each including breakfast so I cant grumble about that. Plus its right near the beach and bars! Until then though, it's staying in every night and Spaghetti/beans on toast for tea! I feel like I need a new hobby. I could do some weights......but that will last all of one night and I'll get bored! I was thinking a language. Maybe French. This girl Shameen who sits next to me at work speaks it fluently, so I can then pester her in a whole new language! I've already been coming out with the few random French phrases I know, e.g 'ou est la Gare?' She just looks at me in disgust and turns away to carry on with her work. ha!

Right time for some reading.....

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