Tuesday, 29 January 2008

No Alcohol & Betfair

Cash game was round Trev's on Saturday and I got wasted. I can't even recall any of the hands from the last hour or so. Me, Steve and James "return of the" Mack were drinking straight Sambuca. Bloody stupid. I was up about £30 at one point I think, but I left about £5 up!!! I puked up outside Trev's house which was a good thing coz the hangover wasn't too furious, however the whole thing did make me realise I need to try and take it easy when I go out.

So, because we are planning a night out on the 22nd (the day i get my redundancy money), I am not going to drink any alcohol between now and then. It's not going to be easy, and I'll probably buckle but I'm determined not to get wasted at least.

Wacked $40 into Betfair on Friday, and I'm up to $110 after playing two short sessions. Forgot how good the site is, and the traffic has certainly improved since the WSOPE. Advertising does work!

Total up for Jan is £160 which is great considering the small amount of time I have put into it. Once March is here I will start recording everything properly and post full results to make sure I keep track of everything. At the moment I'm just playing now and then but intend to try make at least my rent money in March to save me having to get a job straight away!

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